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End-to-End Captive Insurance Platform

Synergy2 is a comprehensive web-based solution for captives, providing transparency, efficiency and regulatory compliance. Our solution delivers stakeholders with an accurate assessment of risks, supporting the successful running of their captive operations across the entire life-cycle of underwriting, claims, reinsurance and accounting.

Synergy2 Logo

Manage Regulatory Compliance & Governance

It is now more important than ever to have in place a single, automated platform that provides controlled governance, a complete audit trail and financial reporting.

Reliable and accessible data delivers accurate and efficient reporting, improving risk management and regulatory control.

Empower Decision-Making Through Real-Time Analytics & Management Information

  • Synergy2 allows information from across the lifecycle to be analysed and shared through a fully customisable data analytics suite.
  • KPIs with complete drill-down capability deliver real-time information for the boardroom and all business departments.
  • Automate the creation and presentation of data across the business with drag-and-drop capability.

Improve Operational Efficiency Through Business Automation

  • Capture your key controls in a powerful yet flexible workflow.
  • Align your team with a single source of data, driving straight-through-processing and efficiency.
  • Automate data capture and improve the quality of information across the business.

Delivering Operational Excellence For Captive Insurers

4.-Insurance-Gradient-Icons A Complete Solution For Captives

Combining insurance and reinsurance in a single platform.

Artboard 117 copy 23 Picture Your Business

View limit and aggregate erosion, picture your risk exposure, monitor capacity allocation, calculate your forecast earned position and net claim retention.

Artboard 92 copy Manage Underwriting Risk Determine the optimum risk retention, perform "what-if" analysis and be alerted to business anomalies.
Artboard 87 Operational & Cost Efficiencies

Cut transaction & processing times and reduce costs. Grow your business without increasing headcount.

Artboard 119 copy 23 Streamline Your Operations Simple and easy to use import tool for electronic messaging and bordereaux from multiple sources.
Artboard 119 copy 22 Integration

Share information with your enterprise and business partners through Synergy2's RESTful web services.

Synergy2 Ecosystem

Synergy2 is based around a single source of data, which provides real-time sharing of information across all capabilities.

  • End-to-end core platform
  • Global operations coverage
  • Ecosystem of emerging technologies

Easy Engagement From Our First Conversation

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Meet with us

Arrange a call with the Synergy2 team, come and meet us, discuss your issues and thoughts.

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Work with us

Lets get our teams together and look at how we can help overcome your challenges and identify the highest risk vs the quickest wins.

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Onboard with us

We’ll work with you and any of your chosen 3rd parties to improve your performance and regain control using our cloud-based platform.

Working With You To Build Strong & Long-Lasting Partnerships

Experienced We have extensive experience of (re)insurance, captive insurance and solution delivery supported by a strong partner network.
Understanding We understand the challenges you face; we’ve been in your position, and we can share how we dealt with those challenges.
Collaborative We work with you as a strategic partner to deliver the best outcomes for you, your organisation and your teams.

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