Drifting back to a bright new future?
The effect of the pandemic has been a mixed bag for many involved in our markets. The ...
Bringing Harmony to Treasury, Sales and Regulatory Compliance.
Regulations are having a profound effect on the trading landscape alongside a ...
Regulatory Reporting and FX Swaps. Or is it FX Strats? Or even FX Packages?!
We have been seeing a lot of discussion and interest concerning a blog I penned in March ...
Are mobile payments a challenger? Ding-Ding, Round two!
In my last blog, looking at the rise of the challengers to the traditional banking ...
Lightweight versus Heavyweight – will it always be a foregone conclusion in the ring?
Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) the banking industry, especially in the UK, has ...
Business Continuity from Test to Implementation - What will be the takeaways?
We have seen many crises in the past, but this one is in many ways unique and I cannot ...
Home Alone
It is unprecedented in Financial Markets (at least in my memory!) to have so many people ...
Three ways to keep in contact throughout self-isolation and social distancing
We are living in an unknown world at the moment. Unknown for our day-to-day working life, ...
Libor Wars - Coming to a Screen Near You
Buried in the depths of the Communiqué from the G20 Finance Ministers & Central Bank ...
The electronic world of deal rejection
It would have been one thing pondering on how to deal with a misdirection of Cupid’s bow ...
An unanswered question from Davos. When will we activate Digital Currencies in our Treasury Management Systems?
We saw during 2019 increased interest in various projects for a Central Bank Digital ...
6 Applications of AI for your Sales Desk
CTO's, Product Directors and all varieties of tech gurus are eager to find use cases for ...