A Ghost of Christmas Past Makes an Early Appearance – ESMA and MAR Haunt the Spot FX Market
As we approach Halloween market abuse has come back to haunt the FX market. Our Advent ...
Cloud-based Captive Platforms of the Future
While reviewing our recent White Paper “Captive Insurers - The Risks and Opportunities in ...
Climbing the Mountain and Levelling the Playing Field – a dichotomy solved?
For some time in the UK the regulators and authorities have tried to introduce true ...
Do you know your SOFR from your SARON? The new benchmarks
Given the longstanding focus on the familiar, well-used trading benchmarks and indices ...
The new Lego - building blocks of the new cross-border payment roadmap
I have been catching up on some light reading in the glorious English sunshine. One ...
Uncleared Margin Rules – more regulatory requirements are on the horizon!
The regulation for Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR) was set in motion at the 2009 G20 meeting ...
Back aboard LIBOR Reform – full steam ahead in the UK.
A triumvirate of the Working Group on Risk-Free Reference Rates (RFRWG), the FCA and the ...
Drifting back to a bright new future?
The effect of the pandemic has been a mixed bag for many involved in our markets. The ...
Bringing Harmony to Treasury, Sales and Regulatory Compliance.
Regulations are having a profound effect on the trading landscape alongside a ...
Regulatory Reporting and FX Swaps. Or is it FX Strats? Or even FX Packages?!
We have been seeing a lot of discussion and interest concerning a blog I penned in March ...
Are mobile payments a challenger? Ding-Ding, Round two!
In my last blog, looking at the rise of the challengers to the traditional banking ...
Lightweight versus Heavyweight – will it always be a foregone conclusion in the ring?
Since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) the banking industry, especially in the UK, has ...